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Moto: Ein Möbel wie ein Bild

Moto: Ein Möbel wie ein Bild

burgbads zeitlos-minimalistische Badmöbel-Kollektion Moto dient als Rahmen für eine zeitgemäße, ausdrucksstarke Farbgebung und bezieht das Badezimmer so in ein ganzheitliches Interior Design mit ein. Grifflos-Optik und einteilige Auszugsfront mit innenliegender Schublade sind attraktive Details des modernen Konzepts von Moto.

Materialbibliothek von burgbad bietet Orientierung und Inspiration

Materialbibliothek von burgbad bietet Orientierung und Inspiration

Zusammen mit Studio Besau-Marguerre hat Badmöbelspezialist burgbad ein Tool entwickelt, um Badplaner und ihre Kunden bei der Suche nach ihrer individuellen „Farb-Heimat“ zu unterstützen. Die Materialbibliothek dient als Kompass durch die vielfältige Material- und Farbauswahl des Badeinrichters – auf dem Weg zum perfekten Wohlfühlbad.

burgbad: clevere und nachhaltige Lösungen für das Schlauchbad

burgbad: clevere und nachhaltige Lösungen für das Schlauchbad

burgbads Lieblingsbäder schaffen Wohngefühl auch auf kleinstem Raum. Das beliebte Programm Eqio erhält drei neue, besonders natürlich wirkenden Front-Designs in Eiche Dekor und Lack. Zu der mit dem Umweltsiegel Blauer Engel ausgezeichneten Bestseller-Kollektion passt der neue, innovative Spiegelschrank rl20 perfekt.

Sinea 3.0 von burgbad: Soft Minimalism für das moderne Bad

Sinea 3.0 von burgbad: Soft Minimalism für das moderne Bad

Mit weichem Schwung und neuer, markanter Linienführung zeigt sich die Kollektion Sinea 3.0 natürlich und minimalistisch zugleich. Das trendige Re-Design von burgbads Klassiker Sinea aus dem Designlinienprogramm sys20 setzt die organische Formsprache des Originals fort.

Fiumo 2.0: trendiges Update mit Rillenfronten

Fiumo 2.0: trendiges Update mit Rillenfronten

Fiumo 2.0 zeigt Minimalismus im neuen Look: burgbads aktuelle Kollektion aus dem preisattraktiven Schnelllieferprogramm sys10 eröffnet elegante Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten mit vertikal profilierten 3D-Fronten sowie Bicolor- und Frontenmix-Optionen.

Schneller zum maßgeschneiderten Badmöbel: Der neue Online-Konfigurator von burgbad

Schneller zum maßgeschneiderten Badmöbel: Der neue Online-Konfigurator von burgbad

Im jüngst gestarteten Profi-Portal burgbadPro gestaltet sich die Planung individueller Konsolenlösungen aus dem maßflexiblen Systemprogramm sys30 von burgbad einfach und effizient. burgbadPro und der hier integrierte neue Online-Konfigurator sind ab sofort sowohl für den Sanitärfach-Großhandel als auch für den Facheinzelhandel offen.

Social Media

Eqio + sys30 + rl20. 
Find the perfect combination for your dream bathroom and create more style and more storage space for your needs. 
Lots of bathroom in just a little space? It can be done. At burgbad, you can mix and match your favourite product lines – i.e. sys10 + sys30 – the new mid-height unit and an full-length mirror, complete with a slimline design for narrow bathrooms.

#burgbad #eqio #bathroom #bathroomdesign #bathroomgoals #bathroominspo #bathroominteriors #interiordesign #trends #interiorinspiration #newdesign #smallbathroom #StorageSolutions

Eqio + sys30 + rl20. Find the perfect combination for your dream bathroom and create more style and more storage space for your needs. Lots of bathroom in just a little space? It can be done. At burgbad, you can mix and match your favourite product lines – i.e. sys10 + sys30 – the new mid-height unit and an full-length mirror, complete with a slimline design for narrow bathrooms. #burgbad #eqio #bathroom #bathroomdesign #bathroomgoals #bathroominspo #bathroominteriors #interiordesign #trends #interiorinspiration #newdesign #smallbathroom #StorageSolutions

rl20: Your new favourite mirror cabinet - more light, more order, more elegance.
Surface-mounted or wall-mounted. Premium model with concealed lighting behind glass. Magnetic strip provide ideal convenience. Infinitely variable colour temperature control and dimmability conjure up a feel-good atmosphere. The new E-Box with USB-C keeps practical everyday helpers to hand.

Visit the burgbad stand at Hall 3.1 / Stand C91 to see our exciting new designs.

#burgbad #rl20 #roomlight #Innovation #trends #mirrorcabinet  #interiordesign #interiorinspiration #bathroomdesign #bathroomgoals #bathroominnovation #ISH2025 #frankfurt #newdesign

rl20: Your new favourite mirror cabinet - more light, more order, more elegance. Surface-mounted or wall-mounted. Premium model with concealed lighting behind glass. Magnetic strip provide ideal convenience. Infinitely variable colour temperature control and dimmability conjure up a feel-good atmosphere. The new E-Box with USB-C keeps practical everyday helpers to hand. Visit the burgbad stand at Hall 3.1 / Stand C91 to see our exciting new designs. #burgbad #rl20 #roomlight #Innovation #trends #mirrorcabinet #interiordesign #interiorinspiration #bathroomdesign #bathroomgoals #bathroominnovation #ISH2025 #frankfurt #newdesign

Elegant interplay of form, color and function.
The characteristic line of Sinea 3.0 runs elegantly through every bathroom area. The space-saving cast mineral washbasin is based on gently curved shapes that combine modern aesthetics and clever storage space.  

Visit us at the ISH to see Sinea 3.0 line and all our other exciting new designs. Hall 3.1 / Stand C91.

#burgbad #bathroomdesign #bathroomgoals #bathroominspo #bathroominnovation #interiordesign #interiorstyle #DesignLovers #ISH2025 #frankfurt #designinspiration

Elegant interplay of form, color and function. The characteristic line of Sinea 3.0 runs elegantly through every bathroom area. The space-saving cast mineral washbasin is based on gently curved shapes that combine modern aesthetics and clever storage space. Visit us at the ISH to see Sinea 3.0 line and all our other exciting new designs. Hall 3.1 / Stand C91. #burgbad #bathroomdesign #bathroomgoals #bathroominspo #bathroominnovation #interiordesign #interiorstyle #DesignLovers #ISH2025 #frankfurt #designinspiration

Soft minimalism for the modern bathroom with Sinea 3.0
With its soft curves and new, striking lines, the burgbad Sinea 3.0 collection is both natural and minimalist. The trendy redesign of our classic Sinea from the sys20 design line range continues the organic design language of the original and combines its solidity with the ultra-light look of a modern cast mineral washbasin that appears to float above the furniture like a wing.

#burgbad #designline #bathroomdesign #innovations #trends #interiorstyle #interiordesign #bathroominspo #ish #frankfurt #designinspiration #DesignLovers

Soft minimalism for the modern bathroom with Sinea 3.0 With its soft curves and new, striking lines, the burgbad Sinea 3.0 collection is both natural and minimalist. The trendy redesign of our classic Sinea from the sys20 design line range continues the organic design language of the original and combines its solidity with the ultra-light look of a modern cast mineral washbasin that appears to float above the furniture like a wing. #burgbad #designline #bathroomdesign #innovations #trends #interiorstyle #interiordesign #bathroominspo #ish #frankfurt #designinspiration #DesignLovers

Consistent - gray and turquoise. 
Purist and elegant. With rc40 solitaire, extraordinary havens of calm can be created. 
The reed-colored glass washbasin is lacquered on the back and echoes the color of the bathroom. The three high pull-outs of the wash cabinet offer plenty of practical storage space. The large mirror with LED top light provides glare-free light and visually expands the room.

#burgbad #rc40solitaire #roomconcept #bathroomideas #bathroomfurniture #bathroomdesign #storagesolutions #interiordesign #interiorinspiration #bathandbeyond #interiorstyling

Consistent - gray and turquoise. Purist and elegant. With rc40 solitaire, extraordinary havens of calm can be created. The reed-colored glass washbasin is lacquered on the back and echoes the color of the bathroom. The three high pull-outs of the wash cabinet offer plenty of practical storage space. The large mirror with LED top light provides glare-free light and visually expands the room. #burgbad #rc40solitaire #roomconcept #bathroomideas #bathroomfurniture #bathroomdesign #storagesolutions #interiordesign #interiorinspiration #bathandbeyond #interiorstyling

Versatile and practical. This is how beautiful storage space can be with bathroom furniture from burgbad. Here is an example from the rc40 Solitaire series.

The vanity unit and sideboard are offset from each other. This makes them seem to float. The subtle contrast between the fronts in white matt and the corpus in real wood veneer emphasises the lightness.

#burgbad #rc40solitaire #roomconcept #bathroomdesign #bathroominspiration #storageideas #storagesolutions #bathandbeyond #interiordesign #interiorinspiration #interiorstyling

Versatile and practical. This is how beautiful storage space can be with bathroom furniture from burgbad. Here is an example from the rc40 Solitaire series. The vanity unit and sideboard are offset from each other. This makes them seem to float. The subtle contrast between the fronts in white matt and the corpus in real wood veneer emphasises the lightness. #burgbad #rc40solitaire #roomconcept #bathroomdesign #bathroominspiration #storageideas #storagesolutions #bathandbeyond #interiordesign #interiorinspiration #interiorstyling

perfect in form - rc40 Solitaire

The clear lines of the furniture and washbasins from the rc40 Solitaire design series define a pleasant lightness of being and design in the bathroom. 
For the series, there are countertop washbasins made of mineral cast or ceramic in many shapes.
The cabinets and console tops for these can be adapted precisely to the corresponding room situation and your personal wishes.

#burgbad #rc40_solitaire #bathroomdesign #bathroominspiration #bathroomideas #storagesolutions #storageideas #Versatile #washbasin #washbasindesign #interiordesign #bathroomfurniture

perfect in form - rc40 Solitaire The clear lines of the furniture and washbasins from the rc40 Solitaire design series define a pleasant lightness of being and design in the bathroom. For the series, there are countertop washbasins made of mineral cast or ceramic in many shapes. The cabinets and console tops for these can be adapted precisely to the corresponding room situation and your personal wishes. #burgbad #rc40_solitaire #bathroomdesign #bathroominspiration #bathroomideas #storagesolutions #storageideas #Versatile #washbasin #washbasindesign #interiordesign #bathroomfurniture


Claudia Wanninger

Claudia Wanninger

Pressekontakt Content Editor FAR.consulting +49 221 620 180 2
Sabine Meissner

Sabine Meissner

Pressekontakt Leitung Marketing Burgbad AG +49 (0) 29 74-7 72-0

burgbad steht für erstklassige Badmöbel-Qualität - und das seit über 75 Jahren!

burgbad als Weltmarktführer bietet in allen Segmenten überzeugende Badmöbel-Lösungen an: vom Familienbad in Lack, Furnier oder Holz, vom trendigen oder zeitlos klassischen Badmöbel-Programm über individuelle Designmöbel nach Maß bis zum architektonisch geplanten Raumkonzept.

burgbad AG

Am Donscheid 3
57392 Schmallenberg